Tutehill Boarding Kennels & Cattery was established in 1992 as a Licenced Family Run Business by Vince and Kath Fleming. Sharon and Joe and their 3 children Andrew, Natalie and Patrick arrived at Tutehill Farm along with Sharon’s parents in 1992. Vince and Kath used to breed and show Smooth and Wire Fox Terriers.
Their daughter Sharon ran the kennels with them until 2002 when she bought it from her parents. Since then they have had another 3 children, Daniel, Emily and Joshua.
Over the years Tutehill Kennels and Cattery has grown in size and gone from strength to strength. This has only been possible with hard work and “your” help. We are very grateful to the customers who have entrusted their beloved pets into our care over the years and are still doing so, much appreciated.
Over the years lots of changes have been made and Sharon is always trying to be one step ahead. She is extremely passionate about her life and looking after all the dogs and cats that come to stay. She will always go that extra mile to ensure they are very happy pets. Joe and Sharon are a great team working together side by side.
Their son Patrick is now their Manager and is a great asset to them. He has the same love and devotion with the animals as Sharon does. Being here since he was 18 months old and watching Sharon on a daily basis, he has developed the same skills and understanding of how animals behave and what all of their needs are.
Emily one of their daughters works on the kennels too. She also has a good knowledge of the dogs and cats. Daniel, one of their 4 sons helps Joe out with maintenance jobs and he does all the grass cutting of all the fields.
If you don’t see Sharon around when you drop your pets off, please don’t worry, she is always onsite doing some job or another or even doing one to one with one of the dogs. She is never usually too far away. If you would like to speak to her, just ask Patrick (Manager) and I’m sure he will get her for you.